General application

Hot melt adhesive-210A ( white granule)

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Purpose:: For handicrafts, toys, metal, plastic, hair Paper Packaging ornaments,
ceramics, carpentry computer peripherals, automotive electrical components,
electronic parts, etc.
Trait: Match the instruction of RoHS ,SGS
TM-201A Specification

Appearance White granular
Handness 70
Specific Gravity (g/cm³) 1.03
Softening point ASTME ℃ 85±5
Odor N/L
Viscosity (at 180ºC) cps 11500 ± 1500
Colloidal Park cylindrical (Drop Type)
Hard Resistance (℃) 55±5
Solidification time (S) 8-15
Recommended operating temperature ℃. 160-180

Storage: Store in a cool dry place; Package:25kg/carton

Directions for use: use 100-150w hot melt adhesive furnace (Instructions for use: use
60-80w hot melt glue guns).

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